
Erik Kessels: Strong Ideas Allow You To Blur

Erik Kessels’ lecture was incredibly visual, incredibly entertaining, and showed us how to blur the lines between the contrasts that occur daily in the design industry. “Strong ideas allow you to blur.” Starting with a strong idea allows you to cross over into different disciplines. To support this point we had the pleasure of seeing some slides of Erik’s projects including: His print work for various ad campaigns, 3-D type created to promote the city of Amsterdam, commercials, and even art exhibits curated by Erik.


Keetra Dean Dixon: A Little Knowledge and Other Minor Daredeviling

Walking us through her widely diverse array of works, Keetra Dean Dixon delighted and inspired her TYPO audience today. Initially showing some of her past work, her inquisitive nature immediately became evident through her thoughtful, experimental, and sincerely absurd projects, such as The Anonymous Hugging Wall and her Union Sleeve. Keetra then broke up the rest of her presentation into parts titled Thinking Through Making and Making Through Breaking.


This One Goes to Eleven by Jessi Arrington

Jessi is looking as stunning as she is excited and enthusiastic for her talk! She has embraced her enthusiasm. She owns a design studio, Workshop, with her husband. We begin today by watching a video about an amplifier that takes you from 10 to 11. She shares that Orbicular Oculi is a muscle that involuntarily contracts when you have enthusiasm. And she has her enthusiasm level at 11. She has a colorful personality and uses rainbow colors in everything she is and does. We watch another fun video of her participating in a rainbow parade!


Nachhaltige Entdeckungen aus aller Welt

Am 24. Februar erscheint „It’s Not Easy Being Green: Two Designers Exploring Sustainability Worldwide“ von Aart van Bezooyen und Paula Raché. Das Buch beruht auf einer sechs-monatigen Recherche über Nachhaltigkeit in Design und Material, die die Autoren nach Brasilien, Argentinien, Chile, Neuseeland, Australien, Indonesien, Thailand, Vietnam, Kambodscha, Singapur, Malaysia und Japan führte. Über 60 Designer, Unternehmern und Weltverbesserern berichten über ihre Projekte und ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen vor ihrem kulturellen Hintergrund, und zeigen Alternativen für eine Zukunft auf, die uns alle betrifft.

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