Vaughan Oliver

Vaughan Oliver: Visceral Pleasures

Vaughan Oliver, designer and art director spoke yesterday at TYPO London of a career spanning 30 years in 30 minutes. Oliver is perhaps best known for (but certainly not limited to) his record cover work with various photographers under the names 23 Envelope and v23, producing iconic artwork for artists such as Cocteau Twins, This Mortal Coil, Lush, UVS, Pixies, The Breeders, Bush, TV on the Radio, Bon Iver, Zomby and more recently David Lynch.


Tony Chambers: Getting a Stiffy

The title of Tony Chambers’ talk calls for explanation. Stringing along with Eike König, the previous speaker on stage, Chambers also announced that he would not be showing his own work, but work by others instead. As Creative Director and Editor-In-Chief at Wallpaper* Tony Chambers has received numerous invitation cards to all kinds of shows of the fashion industry. Accompanied by his assistants Sarah, Lee and Rose he presented his extensive collection of the last ten years, commenting on their typographic quality, production and overall looks. In this context, Chambers explains, a »stiffy« is an old-fashioned colloquial term for a »thick, elegant invitation to something rather grand«.

Eike König

Eike König: From HORT to HEART

Eike König preferred to introduce himself with a colourful media-music show rather than with words. After being run over by an avalanche of his work (all within one minute), he started talking about the actual subject, without showing any more of his projects.
He defined himself as a mix of his empathic mum and his focused, structured dad. They encouraged him to feel responsible to what he does. As a child he was fascinated by political info graphics in magazines. Finding out that graphic designers are creating such powerfully imagery, he decided to become one himself. Another influential part of his work is music.

Anthony Burrill

Anthony Burrill: Working Hard and Being Nice to People

Anthony Burrill describes himself as a ‘persuasive, up-beat illustrator and designer’. Today at TYPO London, the softly spoken man took us on a fantastic journey through his eclectic career to date; regaling stories of letter-pressing in the “ancient” town of Rye, printing a poster using the crude oil from the disastrous BP spill of 2006 BP and why we should “Work Hard and Be Nice to People”.


»Design made in Germany« with Jessica Hische

Letztes Wochenende wirbelte eine quirlige Amerikanerin über die Bühne der TYPO Berlin und das kann man durchaus wörtlich nehmen. Obwohl sie alles andere als »Made in Germany« ist – trotz deutschem Nachnamens – gehe ich an dieser Stelle mal fremd, denn wir hatten die Möglichkeit mit ihr ein kleines Interview über Design und Verantwortung zu führen.

Last weekend a lively American stirred up the stage of TYPO Berlin, literally said. Despite of her German surname, she is anything but »Made in Germany« but we will make an exception as we had the opportunity to conduct a little interview with her. 


Jessica Hische: letterer, illustrator, crazy cat lady and secret web designer

Jessica Hische, self confessed “letterer, illustrator, crazy cat lady and secret web designer” gave an energetic and hilarious talk to a full house last night as the closing speaker at the TYPO Berlin 2012 conference. After three days of stimulating talks, Hische was a fitting conclusion to the conference, entertaining the crowd with her bubbly personality and remarkable insight.

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