
Talent Talks: Interview No. 5 with Alexis Mark

The format Talent Talks is a newbie to this year’s TYPO. Curated by designer and professor Kali Nikitas, eight refreshing positions from all over the globe share their truly creative work. Apart from sparkling self-initiated projects and inspiring design artefacts, they are showcasing most notably how cool it is to work with cool people.
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by Verena Thaller, Michael Kress, Leonie Hesse, David Jablonski & Christine Wenning

Bildschirmfoto 2018-06-26 um 13.18.32

Wo ist mein Platz wenn alles in Bewegung ist? »Trigger« deine Haltung!

Trigger lautete das Motto der TYPO Berlin 2018 und zahlreiche Redner schilderten, was ihr Denken als Designer geprägt hat. Dabei nannten sie immer wieder fünf Prinzipien, die auch andere Gestalter inspirieren können und zweifellos nützlich sind, wenn man sich von Alltagszwängen und dem ewigen „Du solltest aber…“ befreien möchte. Read english version here.


— Von Nora Tanner, mit Matthias Kliefoth


Talent Talks: Interview No. 4 with Kate Johnston

The format Talent Talks is a newbie to this year’s TYPO. Curated by designer and professor Kali Nikitas, eight refreshing positions from all over the globe share their truly creative work. Apart from sparkling self-initiated projects and inspiring design artefacts, they are showcasing most notably how cool it is to work with cool people.
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by Verena Thaller, Michael Kress, Leonie Hesse, David Jablonski & Christine Wenning

© Sebastian Weiß / Monotype

Talent Talks: Interview No. 3 with Team Thursday

The format Talent Talks is a newbie to this year’s TYPO. Curated by designer and professor Kali Nikitas, eight refreshing positions from all over the globe share their truly creative work. Apart from sparkling self-initiated projects and inspiring design artefacts, they are showcasing most notably how cool it is to work with cool people.
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by Verena Thaller, Michael Kress, Leonie Hesse, David Jablonski & Christine Wenning


Mehr als nur kribbelnde Impulse: Sechs nachhallende »Trigger«

Trigger (Auslöser) lautete unser Motto für die TYPO 2018, und Auslöser suchten wir.  Doch was genau ist ein Trigger? Ein Augenblick, ein Ereignis, das uns vorwärts bringt? Ein Gefühl, das uns zum Handeln treibt? Ein Impuls, etwas zu beginnen? Oder gerade das, was wir zum Überleben brauchen? Welche Rolle spielt der Trigger für unsere Kreativität, für Bewegung und Wandel? Was drängte die Kreativen auf unseren Bühnen, ihr Ding zu machen? Hier Einsichten einiger unserer Redner. // Den Artikel auf Englisch lesen.
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Von Catharina Dörr und Maciej Nadobnik


More than an itching notion: Six times heavy »Trigger«

Thinking along our motto at TYPO 2018 we were looking for triggers. But what exactly is a trigger? It could be a moment or event that takes us forward, a feeling that activates us to do things, an impulse to start or simply just the fact that we need to survive. What role does the trigger play for our creativity, for movement and change? And what moves all the creatives on the stages forward to realize their projects? We collected insights from a selection of our speakers. // Read article in German.
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by Catharina Dörr and Maciej Nadobnik

© Sebastian Weiß / Monotype

Talent Talks: Interview No. 2 with We Became Aware

The format Talent Talks was a successful newbie to this year’s TYPO. Curated by designer and professor Kali Nikitas, eight refreshing positions from all over the globe shared their truly creative work. Apart from sparkling self-initiated projects and inspiring design artefacts, they were showcasing most notably how cool it is to work with cool people. We spoke to the studios about their dreams, money and do’s and don’ts when building up a career.
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by Verena Thaller, Michael Kress, Leonie Hesse, David Jablonski & Christine Wenning

© Sebastian Weiß / Monotype

Talent Talks: Interview No. 1 with Specht Studio

The format Talent Talks is a newbie to this year’s TYPO. Curated by designer and professor Kali Nikitas, eight refreshing positions from all over the globe share their truly creative work. Apart from sparkling self-initiated projects and inspiring design artefacts, they are showcasing most notably how cool it is to work with cool people.
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by Verena Thaller, Michael Kress, Leonie Hesse, David Jablonski & Christine Wenning

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