Zwei drei Fragen an … Jochen Rädeker

Im ICE von Stuttgart nach Berlin haben wir gestern Jochen Rädeker befragt. Der Gründer und Manager der Designagentur Strichpunkt wird uns an diesem Donnerstag um 19:00 Uhr auf der TYPO Berlin in seinem Talk “Hello future – goodbye design! Wie die Zukunft Gestalt annimmt“ darüber sprechen, wie sich die Rolle des Designers in der Zukunft definiert und erklären, warum er Designer immer noch für den großartigsten Beruf der Welt hält.

Marlene Schufferth  © Bettina Ausserhofer (Monotype)

Young Guns – Next Generation Part #3: Marlene Schufferth

An dieser Stelle lenken wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die Talente der neuen Generation, die dieses Jahr außerordentlich gut repräsentiert wird von unseren Sprechern Marlene Schufferth, Harry Keller und Christian Klier. Alle drei sind in Berlin ansässig und in Design-Agenturen, Start-ups und als Freelancer tätig.

© Gerhard Kassner (Monotype)

George Zisiadis: Designing for joy

George really wants to make you smile. Like REALLY really. Journey with him on a tour through his whimsical and playful world of interactive art. From turning heartbeats into music to flying mistletoe drones in public, see how his projects encourage fun.

Große Erleichterung: Designer müssen laut Harry Keller nicht Programmieren lernen. © Bettina Ausserhofer (Monotype)

Young Guns – New Generation Part #2: Harry Keller

An dieser Stelle lenken wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die Talente der neuen Generation, die dieses Jahr außerordentlich gut repräsentiert wird von unseren Sprechern Marlene Schufferth, Harry Keller und Christian Klier. Alle drei sind in Berlin ansässig und in Design-Agenturen, Start-ups und als Freelancer tätig.


Gesche Joost: Prototype of a networked society

Gesche Joost from the research lab at Universität der Künste Berlin starts with the image of an interactive quilt that uses visual hints of interactive threat connected to an interface to tell stories. The stories change by folding the fabric in different shapes to create different patterns. In all her projects a group of researchers from different disciplines and expertise work together. The aim is to integrate interfaces that connect and feed back into society to improve it.


Nancy Birkhölzer and Prof. Reto Wettach: Empower the analog

Professor Reto Wettach of IXDS, together with his colleague Nancy Birkhölzer gave an interesting talk on their perspective of the relationship humans have with the physical and digital world. The talk was largely based around the fact that people are increasingly interacting with the world around them using just a tiny screen and the tips of their fingers. They questioned how much emotion can possibly be expressed through this type of medium and whether or not we need new ways of incorporating technology into our lives which empower us to interact on a more human level.


Peter Gregson: The Listening Machine

Offbeat(*) speaker Peter Gregson came to talk about his project ‘The Listening Machine‘, a sonification of the continuous stream of tweets by 500 selected UK twitter users. Composer Gregson created the piece together with collaborator Daniel Jones and Britten Sinfonia. It’s an unexpected talk at a design conference, but it did tie in nicely to the social theme of the conference.

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