Typo Berlin 2017 "wanderlust"

TYPO-Auftakt: Die bewegenden Bilder von Susanne Koelbl

Sie ist eine der mutigen Frauen, die tatkräftig daran arbeitet, den Dingen, die in unserer Welt schief laufen, Gehör zu verschaffen. Susanne Koelbl eröffnete mit einem ergreifenden Talk über die Beweggründe von „wanderlust“ die TYPO 2017. Mit einem Blick über den Design-Tellerrand zog sie die Aufmerksamkeit des Publikums auf gesellschaftlich relevante Themen und gab einen Ausblick auf ihr Lyrik-Projekt.

Von Lisa Schmidt

TYPOFEST Bulgaria 2016 Finale

Typofest Bulgaria

What if you live in a country with great Schriftkultur, but only a few typefaces that offer your local glyph forms? And yes, it is Schrift in Bulgarian for type. Get to know a type culture and community arising anew.

Jonathan Barnbrook on the TYPO main stage in a conversation with Sonja Knecht © Norman Posselt / Monotype

Jonathan Barnbrook: Affecting the World in a Real Way

Jonathan Barnbrook was a punk at age 11 and he keeps the spirit to this day. This is not about aesthetics but about questioning the dominant fiction and actually changing society. A frequent speaker at TYPO Berlin, Barnbrook returned this year for an informal conversation about music, typography and the designers’ social responsibility.


Corinna Sy: Eine Zukunft bauen

Wenn Corinna Sy von „ihren Jungs“ spricht, dann meint sie Maiga, Moussa, Ali, Saidou und Malik. Fünf junge westafrikanische Männer aus Niger und Mali, die durch das gemeinsam realisierte Modellprojekt „Cucula – Refugees Company for Crafts and Design“ neuen Halt im Leben fanden.

Robert Koall © Sebastian Weiß / Monotype

Robert Koall: Die Radikalisierung der Sprache

Im kalten Pegida-Winter 2015 zog es Robert Koall auf die Straße. Der Chefdramaturg am Staatsschauspiel Dresden mischte sich sowohl unter die Pegidisten als auch unter die Gegendemonstranten. Im Gespräch mit Johannes Erler beschrieb er die Herausforderung, auf die immer gleichen Anfeindungen moderat zu reagieren.

Jan Sowa spricht über die Dialektik des Designs © Gerhard Kassner (Monotype)

Jan Sowa: Avantgarde und die Dialektik des Designs

Was hat Hegel mit Einstein, Duchamp und dessen Ready-made „Fountain“ (ein Pissoir) zu tun? Keine Ahnung? Jan Sowa weiß es – schließlich ist er Soziologe, Philosoph und Design-Kritiker oder, wie er sich selbst nennt „a dialectical materialist cultural theorist“. Nicht zu verwechseln mit Terrorist. Das ist ihm wichtig.


Roger Law: The Art of Theft

Admittedly I was only vaguely familiar with Roger Law‘s work before attending his presentation at TYPO; hazy memories from my childhood of his rubbery-faced caricatures of politicians gesticulating wildly at me from my TV set. His presentation would be a retrospective of his work in parallel to that of other artists which had not only influenced him but who he had heavily referenced, or even stole from, in order to create his own work. It would be this concept of theft vs. true originality, which resonates so deeply with all artists and designers, that would be at the core of his thought-provoking, beautiful and often amusing look back at some of his most popular work.


Josh Higgins – Designing Obama

His first exposure to using design for a cause was a poster in 2005 created for The Hurricane Poster Project, a fundraiser for victims of Hurricane Katrina. It made a couple thousand dollars, which was at the time more than he could have contributed from his own pocket. That’s when the potential for design to help the world dawned on him. Working closely with Leif Steiner, the creator the the Hurricane Poster Project, Higgins went on to create a similar projects benefiting San Diego after the fire and more notably Haiti after the devastating earthquake in 2010.


Petz Scholtus: About Good Design and What it Has to Say

Good design can get us out of the current economical, ecological and emotional crisis we are in, Petz Scholtus encouraged TYPO Sustain attendees on Friday afternoon.
The Barcelona-based eco-designer said that whether designing a poster, shoe, house or plane, all use the same principles. She emphasized that because Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles of Good Design include “environmentally friendly” and “long lasting”, that designers can’t sacrifice the other eight in the name of sustainability. In fact, she posited, she is surprised when design awards go to non-eco friendly projects.

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