Video archive

Video archive: January selection – Hidden gems

Those of you who have been to a TYPO Berlin conference before 2010 know, that one of the highlights after each conference was — when the DVD with selected TYPO talks came home by postal services worldwide. Since 2011 we don’t burn DVDs anymore; all TYPO talks (in Berlin, London, San Fran) that got recorded can be found in our TYPOtalks video archive. By now we have over 300 design talks online and each year we add around 30 new videos. 300×45 minutes = 225 hours of video material. Because this is a lot of time you’d need to watch through this, we now start to bring you selected content. Every month (until we get tired in doing so) we will select 5 talks under different topics. Hope you like it. Off we go – with the hidden gems. TYPO speakers, that are not so well-known but truly suprized us.

Typographics 2015-photo Frank Griesshammer

Report from the first Typographics Conference in New York

Beyond TYPO – Looking at further events in the typographic community:

The TYPO Team likes to look beyond the Tellerrand. So when we heard the announcement of a new typographic venue in June in New York, we were eager to visit the premiere. When we met Frank Grießhammer at Typographics and he offered to write a post for the TYPO Blog, we didn‘t hesitate to accept.

Frank (FF Quixo, HWT Tuscan, Stempel Elan) studied Graphic Design in Saarbrücken, Germany and Florence, Italy. In 2008, his graduation project led to the creation of a experimental type foundry, “Kiosk Fonts”. An internship at FontShop International brought Frank to the Robothon 2009 conference in The Hague – a turning point for his career. He had the chance to spend the best year of his life studying at KABK The Hague, and graduated with a Master of Design in Type and Media in 2010. Frank has been part of the Adobe Type Team in California since 2011.


Thomas Phinney: Font Detective 2: Extra Bold

Thomas Phinney is the Sherlock Holmes of the design world. His use of logic, extensive typography knowledge, history of ancient typographical machines and their uses are no match for any expert forger. Not even the government. Thomas Phinney talks about his three favorite font detective cases; the California frontier mailbag, a fake rabbi, and falsified memos from the Bush Administration’s National Guard Service.

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