
Corinna Sy: Eine Zukunft bauen

Wenn Corinna Sy von „ihren Jungs“ spricht, dann meint sie Maiga, Moussa, Ali, Saidou und Malik. Fünf junge westafrikanische Männer aus Niger und Mali, die durch das gemeinsam realisierte Modellprojekt „Cucula – Refugees Company for Crafts and Design“ neuen Halt im Leben fanden.


Nachhaltige Entdeckungen aus aller Welt

Am 24. Februar erscheint „It’s Not Easy Being Green: Two Designers Exploring Sustainability Worldwide“ von Aart van Bezooyen und Paula Raché. Das Buch beruht auf einer sechs-monatigen Recherche über Nachhaltigkeit in Design und Material, die die Autoren nach Brasilien, Argentinien, Chile, Neuseeland, Australien, Indonesien, Thailand, Vietnam, Kambodscha, Singapur, Malaysia und Japan führte. Über 60 Designer, Unternehmern und Weltverbesserern berichten über ihre Projekte und ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen vor ihrem kulturellen Hintergrund, und zeigen Alternativen für eine Zukunft auf, die uns alle betrifft.


Petz Scholtus: About Good Design and What it Has to Say

Good design can get us out of the current economical, ecological and emotional crisis we are in, Petz Scholtus encouraged TYPO Sustain attendees on Friday afternoon.
The Barcelona-based eco-designer said that whether designing a poster, shoe, house or plane, all use the same principles. She emphasized that because Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles of Good Design include “environmentally friendly” and “long lasting”, that designers can’t sacrifice the other eight in the name of sustainability. In fact, she posited, she is surprised when design awards go to non-eco friendly projects.


Five Questions to … Paula Raché & Aart van Bezooyen

Paula Raché is a graphic designer born in Berlin. She enjoyed work experience within several agencies working on graphic, packaging and exhibition design. She now focuses on connecting design with society to encourage people’s critical and creative thinking. Paula and Aart are working on a book publication that brings together local projects and stories from around the world to inspire a more sustainable future.

Aart van Bezooyen founded »Material Stories« in 2005 to consult industry, companies and agencies with materials thinking focused on innovation, branding and more sustainable design. Aart teaches and lectures material driven design at universities in The Netherlands, Germany and Poland. His inspiring collection of materials and things has just grown after exploring South America, Oceania and Southeast Asia for six months.