Focus Forum with Mark Simonson

TYPO Talks takes a few moments each year to chat with some of the speakers you can look forward to at the upcoming conference. We are excited to kick off this year’s blog series, Focus Forum, with designer Mark Simonson.

Mark Simonson is an independent type designer working out of his home in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Over the span of his career he has designed over a dozen typefaces, perhaps most notably the Proxima Nova family.


Gerrit Noordzij

Gerrit Noordzij – legendärer Typograf, Schriftgestalter, Lehrer und Autor. Wer kennt seinen Namen nicht in der Typografie-Welt? Zwischen 1960er bis 1990er Jahren lehrte er an der königlichen Akademie von der bildenden Künste in Den Haag. Sein Buch »The Stroke« ist weltbekannt und immer noch beliebt. Seine Theorie der Schrift ist die Wurzel der heutigen Typografie.


Why you should get excited about TYPO Berlin?

Programme director Jürgen Siebert spoke to Creative Bloq about the DNA of TYPO Berlin, how it all started in the mid 1990s, the evolution of typografic stars like Neville Brody, David Carson or Stefan Sagmeister and how the upcoming TYPO conference will take a look at the roots of success in design today.

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