© Sebastian Weiß, Monotype

TYPO Stoff fürs Sommerloch

Die Ferienzeit naht. Zeit die TYPO Berlin 2016 in Ruhe Revue passieren zu lassen und Lücken zu füllen. Hardfacts: 1526 Teilnehmer kamen aus 29 Ländern zusammen. 69 Sprecher verteilten sich auf 46 Vorträge und Teilnehmer konnten sich in 9 verschiedenen Workshops ausprobieren.

Titelfoto vom Foyer: Sebastian Weiß/Monotype

Typo Berlin 2016 "Beyond Design"

Brosmind: 10

The two brothers Juan and Alejandro Mingarro take us on an eclectic odyssey through their work, their beginnings, their connection as brothers and their approach to creativity.


Beyond TYPO Font – Felt-tip look with OpenType Features

When people with different skills work together, things can be created that stand out from the usual. People often call it “synergy” – at TYPO Berlin 2016, we call it “Beyond Design” and one example is the font that was created especially for communications for the international design conference. The cooperative venture between Steff Hengge (Stefanidad, studio adhoc) and Ulrike Rausch (LiebeFonts) is so much fun that Monotype is now offering the TYPO Font as a free download.

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