TYPO Labs 2018

Tools for Fonts: A Roundup

Glyphs, RoboFont and Fontlab annually take center stage at TYPO Labs, but there’s more to see in terms of tools than just the font editors. New or improved, finished or in progress, command line or polished interface: here’s the cast of tools at Labs, in order of appearance.

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by Tilmann Hielscher


Custom Fontdesign als Trigger in der Markenkommunikation

Was wäre die TYPO Berlin ohne ein sich ständig neu erfindendes Konferenzdesign? Das Kommunikationsdesign zur „TYPO Berlin 2018 Trigger“ stellt das Motto in den Mittelpunkt und setzt auf die Stärke eines Custom-Fontdesigns mit vielen praktischen Extras. Verantwortlich für die Gestaltung sind studio adhoc und der Fontdesigner René Bieder. // Lese die englische Version hier.


Mondaine Helvetica – eine Hommage an Typographie

Seit über 60 Jahren hat Mondaine eine einfache Idee: Form und Funktion in perfekter Harmonie. Das Schweizer Uhrenunternehmen fokussiert auf die wesentlichen Dinge und vereint eigenständiges und zeitloses Schweizer Design mit Innovation, hohem handwerklichem Können, Funktionalität und Langzeitnutzen. Mit der neuen Helvetica-Kollektion »Homage« to type letters huldigt Mondaine den Schweizer Schriftsatz mit formvollendeten Details.

TYPO Labs 2018

AR/VR Tidbits from TYPO Labs 2018

While at last year’s TYPO Labs Variable Fonts were introduced as the great innovation, this year another big topic was treated in several talks. The Augmented and Virtual Reality environment is becoming more notable for many programmers and designers requiring special attention when it comes to text and type.

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by Jan Vincent Dufke

Unterschrift Ferdinand

Fragenziehen: Ferdinand Ulrich

Wir haben „Fragenziehen“ mit dem Typografen, Schriftforscher und TYPO Sprecher Ferdinand Ulrich gespielt. Das Spiel geht einfach: Ferdinand zieht einen Begriff, legt ihn neben die Karte „Schrift“ und antwortet, was im dazu einfällt. Assoziativ und schnell.

von Lukas Horn


Fragenziehen: Interview #7 with Maria Doreuli

We played »Fragenziehen« (drawing questions) with Maria Doreuli, type designer from Russia and founder of the Contrast Foundry. The game is simple: Maria draws a term, puts it next to the card “writing” and answers what she thinks of it. Associative and fast.

by Lukas Horn


TYPO Labs 2018 – This was day three

All good things come in threes: The last day of TYPO Labs has offered insights into CJK Fonts, educational perspectives and future scenarios concering the broad implementation of Variable Fonts. In this newsletter we sum up some of the highlights for you.


The Type-Robot visits TYPO Labs 2018

An industrial robotic arm cutting letterforms into styrofoam? What sounds like a type-geek’s dream became reality at this year’s TYPO Labs conference. For three days, an industrial robot in the hallway was hard at work carving out letters with a hot wire cutter. Surrounded by a flock of curious attendees and stacks of styrofoam boards, the large robotic arm was a focal point in the conference space and easily topped the list of peculiarities.

By Maciej Nadobnik


TYPO Labs 2018 – This was day two

TYPO Labs day two revealed that there is increased demand for tools that build bridges between professionals and across disciplines to fully unfold the potential of new Font Technologies. We’ve selected three of the day’s many highlights for you.


John Hudson

Constrained. Unconstrained. Variable.

In his keynote John Hudson, Type Designer and Co-founder of Tiro Typeworks Ltd., provided us with interesting perspectives upon the Nirmala UI project. Under the title “Constrained. Unconstrained. Variable.” He reflected upon circumstances, presenting the unique challenges of each design. Here are the most important steps on that journey.

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