
Contrast Conversations with Nick Shinn

Nick Shinn, R.G.D. was born in London, England in 1952, educated at Bedford, and acquired a Dip.AD in Fine Art (1974) from Leeds Polytechnic. He lived in Toronto, Canada from 1976 to 2009, then moved 60 km north to Orangeville. In the ’80s he worked as an advertising art director and creative director, before going digital in 1989 with the ShinnDesign studio, specializing in publication and marketing design. From 1980 he designed typefaces for several foundries, before founding Shinntype in 1998. He has written for Applied Arts, Druk, Eye, Graphic Exchange, Marketing, Typographic and Codex, spoken at the ATypI, TypeCon, Graphika and TYPO Berlin conferences, and taught at Humber College and York University in Toronto.


»Design made in Germany« with Jessica Hische

Letztes Wochenende wirbelte eine quirlige Amerikanerin über die Bühne der TYPO Berlin und das kann man durchaus wörtlich nehmen. Obwohl sie alles andere als »Made in Germany« ist – trotz deutschem Nachnamens – gehe ich an dieser Stelle mal fremd, denn wir hatten die Möglichkeit mit ihr ein kleines Interview über Design und Verantwortung zu führen.

Last weekend a lively American stirred up the stage of TYPO Berlin, literally said. Despite of her German surname, she is anything but »Made in Germany« but we will make an exception as we had the opportunity to conduct a little interview with her. 

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