
Yanone: Antithesis

Der finale Sprecher des ersten TYPO-Tages 2014 – Jan Gerner als Yanone – gab dem Publikum einen sehr persönlichen Einblick in seine Welt der experimentellen Typografie und des treibenden Goas. Als der gebürtige Dresdner 2000 nichtsahnend durch die weiße Gasse läuft und ihm die originellen, kontrastreich gesetzten Neonreklamebuchstaben „Wild Geflügel“ ins Auge stechen, hätte er wohl nicht daran geglaubt, dass diese die gestalterische Grundlage seines sogenannten Masterpieces bilden würden – seine Abschlussarbeit 2014 an der Type & Media in Den Haag.


Aaron James Draplin – “Tall Tales From A Large Man”

It is hard to sum up the experience that is Aaron James Draplin. Where to start? Draplin commands the attention of the audience with bold slides including an official DDC disclaimer and a fair warning to coders that his presentation will not include any sort of code languages. He establishes his presence on stage with seemingly appropriate vulgarity mixed in with motivational statements. Regardless of what the audience thinks, he explains that he probably shouldn’t be up on stage since he lacks credentials or professional accolades.


David Jonathan Ross: Backasswards!

As the attendees entered the screening room, chatter began swirling around about what kind of question they would ask David Jonathan Ross. The prompt was based on his recent move from New Hampshire to Los Angeles. The ice is broken with such questions like “What’s the best tanning salon in New Hampshire?” This sets the tone of the funkiness that is about to unfold.

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