
Gerrit Noordzij

Gerrit Noordzij – legendärer Typograf, Schriftgestalter, Lehrer und Autor. Wer kennt seinen Namen nicht in der Typografie-Welt? Zwischen 1960er bis 1990er Jahren lehrte er an der königlichen Akademie von der bildenden Künste in Den Haag. Sein Buch »The Stroke« ist weltbekannt und immer noch beliebt. Seine Theorie der Schrift ist die Wurzel der heutigen Typografie.


Boris Kochan: Design and Identity

Boris Kochan ist Unternehmer, Büchermacher, Berater und Vorsitz der tgm (Typographische Gesellschaft München). Die tgm wurde 1890 gegründet und viele namhafte Persönlichkeiten der Branche waren in der tgm organisatorisch und/oder inhaltlich aktiv, u.a. Paul Renner, Jan Tschichold, Günter Gerhard Lange, Hans Rudolf Bosshard, Kurt Weidemann.


Roger Law: The Art of Theft

Admittedly I was only vaguely familiar with Roger Law‘s work before attending his presentation at TYPO; hazy memories from my childhood of his rubbery-faced caricatures of politicians gesticulating wildly at me from my TV set. His presentation would be a retrospective of his work in parallel to that of other artists which had not only influenced him but who he had heavily referenced, or even stole from, in order to create his own work. It would be this concept of theft vs. true originality, which resonates so deeply with all artists and designers, that would be at the core of his thought-provoking, beautiful and often amusing look back at some of his most popular work.


Neon Muzeum Warschau

David Hill and Ilona Karwinska are the creators and directors of the Neon Muzeum in Warsaw. In initiating the museum, they undertook the mission of documenting and preserving Poland’s cold war era neon signs. The project started in 2005 with a photographic documentation project titled ‘Polish Neon’, and in 2012 the museum opened its doors for to the public.

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