Oliver Reichenstein

Oliver Reichenstein: Continuity through Design

Oliver Reichenstein started his talk by showing the famous Mad Men carousel clip (which you can see here ). Immediately after, he showed the same clip, only it replaced the slide photos with screenshots of the Facebook timeline. It was a clever way to illustrate the stark emotional difference between analog and digital. But why was this the case and where does this need come from? “Is it because Facebook sucks? Because it is badly designed? Because it looks unreal?” We are surrounded with the trend of analog, skeuomorphic design. He argues that such a thing is okay as long as they uphold their promise (he cited the new iPad app, Paper, being a good example).

Parra and Jason Munn

Designers in Dialogue: Parra and Jason Munn

Subtitled Music Matters: Graphic Design, Typography, and the Art of the Poster, this talk featured a conversation between designers Jason Munn, Parra, and curator Joseph Becker. Munn and Parra are two radically different designers who often approach the same problem—how to translate music into words and images in show posters and tour merchandise—from opposite ends of the spectrum.

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