
Gary Hustwit: Urbanized

I seem to walk into Gary Hustwit’s presentation at exactly the right time just as he is beginning to talk about his latest film Urbanized. When Lynda Relph Knight questions him at the end of the presentation about his varied subject choices for each of his films Helvetica (typeface), Objectified (objects) and now Urbanized (urban spaces), he responds by saying that he makes films about things he is interested in and nobody can deny that! Every project which he discusses from the film seems to fill him with curiosity and awe and hope for the future.


Gary Hustwitt: We built this City

Gary Hustwitt loves Graphic Designer. So much so that he decided to make a film about it. Despite never picking up a camera before ‘Helvetica’ marked his directorial debut, and his fascination with typography was brought to life. 4 years and another film, ‘Objectified’ later, Hustwitt treated the TYPO Audience to a sneak peak of his new offering, ‘Urbanized’, and they weren’t disappointed. As with his previous offerings the succinct title nods towards the subject matter, cities and buildings, though instead of form it focusses on the people that live within cities, and the strong sense of community spirit that takes shape in many forms.


Michael Bierut: A Journey to Ten Locations and Ten Projects

Michael Bierut began his talk in a similar way to how Tony Brooks ended his: innocent and humorous. He started his presentation in Ohio Cleveland, where he grew up. Some early pictures of family and sketches in his school books lead to some first drawings of words and – essentially – his start into typography and graphic design. Encounters with publications such as Armin Hofmann’s Graphic Design Manual and Milton Glaser’s Graphic Design inspired Bierut to continue a career and life in graphic design.

Kutlu Çanlıoğlu

Kutlu Çanlıoğlu and Titus Nemeth: The raster tragedy

The development of a typographic accent for the BBC World Service – judging by the account of Kutlu Canlioglu and Titus Nemeth – was always going to be a challenging, and in some respects thankless one. But in the process of trying to reconcile 27 tongues and 9 languages, they came across, stumbled through and ultimately succeeded in resolving some fairly major challenges.

Dale Herigstad

Dale Herigstad: When the rectangle is gone

There is a rectangle, possibly dictated by the printing press, that has defined the place where much of the information mankind has consumed has existed. And it is the confinement of this rectangle that has been at the heart of Dale Herigstad’s work. Or rather, his work explores what is beyond the confines – or what might, could and should be outside, in front of and behind of the rectangle.

Jörg Becker

Dr. Beckers Rezeptur gegen Monocausalitis

Mit den Worten: „Wenn Sie jetzt nicht mit Dutzenden Fragezeichen im Kopf den Raum verlassen, habe ich versagt!“, beschloss Jörg Becker seinen Vortrag. Becker unterrichtet unter anderem Typografie, Kreatives Handeln und Visuelle Rhetorik an der University of Illinois in Chicago. Gut 40 Minuten dauerte der Zitatehagel, 40 Minuten geballte Inspiration, 40 Minuten, um die gängige Sicht auf kreative Prozesse völlig auf den Kopf zu stellen.

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