The Daily Eckardt: King Céphas Bansah

Togbui Ngoryifia Céphas Kosi Bansah, Berlin, 2010 (© Marc Eckardt)

Céphas Bansah, was crowned in April 1992 as King of Hohoe and is ruler of 300,000 people in the African Volta Region. He grew up in Ghana and visited Germany in 1970 during a student exchange program. His grandfather was King of Gbi Hohoe traditional area. After the death of his grandfather the elders and the kingmakers chose him as Ngoryifia which means King. Throughout the years he has been able to realize several supportive ventures. In Ludwigshafen, he was able through his good relations with the farmers to collect a container full of water pumps and pipes. They were shipped to Ghana and served to supply many people’s homes with clean drinking water. Céphas Bansah is also known as an entertainer and musician.

Céphas Bansah, König von Hohoe Gbi Traditional Ghana. Das Reich König Bansahs ist der Bezirk Gbi, in der Region des Voltasees, im Osten von Ghana, an der Grenze zu Togo. Rund 300.000 Menschen vom Stamm der Ewe in Ghana zählen zu seinen Untertanen. Er steht somit an der Spitze von zwölf Häuptlingen der Volta Region in Ghana. In Togo leben weitere 2 Millionen Menschen, für die er sich als »Superior and Spiritual Chief of Ewe People« verantwortlich fühlt. Doch noch heute lebt und arbeitet Bansah als Kfz-Meister und Landmaschinenmeister in Deutschland, da er sein Volk überzeugen konnte, seine Aufgaben von Deutschland aus besser ausüben zu können. Kontakt hält er täglich per Telefon, Fax und E-Mail.
