
Beyond TYPO Font – Felt-tip look with OpenType Features

When people with different skills work together, things can be created that stand out from the usual. People often call it “synergy” – at TYPO Berlin 2016, we call it “Beyond Design” and one example is the font that was created especially for communications for the international design conference. The cooperative venture between Steff Hengge (Stefanidad, studio adhoc) and Ulrike Rausch (LiebeFonts) is so much fun that Monotype is now offering the TYPO Font as a free download.


Designing Beyond Design

TYPO Berlin 2016 brings the graphic design sector together under the motto “Beyond Design”. It’s a challenge. As a designer, you have to ask yourself what goes beyond the concept of modern design. We understand communications design as an all-embracing discipline, along the lines of Paul Watzlawick’s “one cannot not communicate”. There’s nothing we should or could keep our hands off of. So what can be “beyond design”? How do we design a conference that is true to that motto?

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Von Magnus and Steff Hengge, studio adhoc


Beyond Design gestalten

Unter dem Motto „Beyond Design“ führt TYPO Berlin 2016 die Grafikdesign-Branche zusammen. Das ist herausfordernd. Als Gestalter/in fragt man sich dabei, was kann es geben, das über den modernen Design-Begriff hinausgeht? Kommunikationsdesign fassen wir als allumfängliche Disziplin auf – nach Paul Watzlawicks „Man kann nicht nicht kommunizieren!“. Es gibt nichts, wovon wir die Finger lassen könnten und sollten. Was also kann „Beyond Design“ sein? Wie setzen wir das Motto als Konferenzdesign um?

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Von Magnus und Steff Hengge, studio adhoc