
Hup Hup Holland!

After Russia and Poland in 2013, the Netherlands are the partner country of TYPO Berlin this year. With Joost Grootens, Erik van Blokland, Paul van der Laan, Petr van Blokland, Peter Bil’ak and Gerrit Noordzij we have some veritable institutions of Dutch design in the program. In addition to this, we also have two exhibitions of graphic design from the Netherlands set up in the in the foyer of the HKW, which shouldn’t be missed! We would like to thank the Embassy of the Netherlands for their kind support.


Exklusives Gerrit-Noordzij-Interview: Making-of

Er ist der einflussreichste Typedesign-Lehrer unserer Zeit: Gerrit Noordzij (82). Von 1960 bis 1990 war er Professor für Schriftdesign an der Königlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Den Haag, wo er bedeutende Schriftentwerfer direkt oder indirekt prägte, darunter Petr und Erik van Blokland, Jelle Bosma, Albert Jan Pool, Peter Verheul, Rudy Vanderlans, Just van Rossum, Albert Pinggera, Martin Wenzel, Frank Blokland, Luc(as) de Groot, Peter Matthias Noordzij, Hannes Famira und viele mehr. Auch die Werke der jüngsten Typedesign-Generation basieren auf den Theorien von Noordzij, zum Beispiel bei Ján Filípek, Martina Flor, Frank Grießhammer, Slávka Pauliková, Yanone und Alexander Roth.


Peter Biľak

Peter Biľak arbeitet in den Bereichen Editorial-, Grafik- und Schriftdesign und unterrichtet an der Royal Academy of Arts in Den Haag. Er betreibt Typotheque, die als erste Foundry ihren kompletten Schriftenkatalog für die Webnutzung lizenzierte. Gerade erst gründete er das Works That Work-Magazin, das die konventionelle Art und Weise des Publishing neu überdenkt.


Four or so questions to … Ann Bessemans

Ann Bessemans (°1983) has a MA in graphic design (Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg). Her typographic graduation project was awarded a national prize. On October 25, 2012, she defended her PhD dissertation entitled “Type Design for Children with Low Vision”, under the supervision of Prof. Gerard Unger (Leiden University) and Prof. Dr. Bert Willems (Hasselt University). Bessemans’ PhD project is an attempt at bridging the gap between font designers and cognitive scientists studying the legibility of letter characters. The ultimate goal of this PhD project was to design a font that can reduce the reading problems of children with low vision.


Erik Kessels: Strong Ideas Allow You To Blur

Erik Kessels’ lecture was incredibly visual, incredibly entertaining, and showed us how to blur the lines between the contrasts that occur daily in the design industry. “Strong ideas allow you to blur.” Starting with a strong idea allows you to cross over into different disciplines. To support this point we had the pleasure of seeing some slides of Erik’s projects including: His print work for various ad campaigns, 3-D type created to promote the city of Amsterdam, commercials, and even art exhibits curated by Erik.

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