Oliver Reichenstein

The Daily Eckardt: Oliver Reichenstein

Oliver Reichenstein got his first computer in 1981 and made his initial attempts at programming. He later studied philosophy in Basel and Paris, with a sideline teaching rhetoric and informatics. In 1999/2000, he was the information architect at R.Ø.S.A. AG, followed by a stint until 2004 as interactive brand consultant for Interbrand Zintzmeyer & Lux. In 2004/2005, he was brand manager for G Plus Media KK and, since 2005, he has been the CEO of Information Architects Inc.


The Daily Eckardt: Joachim Sauter

Joachim Sauter has been working as a media designer since the early 1980s. From the beginning, he focussed on digital technologies, and is exploring how they can be used to express content and narration. Fuelled by this interest, he founded ART+COM in 1988 along with other artists, designers, scientists, and technologists. Their goal was to do practical research into what was, at the time, a new and up-and-coming medium in the realm of art and design. He still heads up that interdisciplinary team. Since 1991 he has been a professor of “new media art and design” at Berlin’s College of the Arts, and since 2001 an adjunct professor at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Erster kompletter Video-Mitschnitt:

Unser erster vollständiger Vortrags-Mitschnitt der TYPO Berlin 2010:  Julian Smith mit seinem Vortrag: »Who the heck you are?« steht im Videoarchiv bereit (in Originalsprache englisch).

„Es ist schwer, in der Masse etwas Besonderes zu sein, wenn alle das gleiche tun. Also lass es. Versuch gar nicht erst, dir einen Namen zu machen. Nimm den, den Mama dir gab. Es ist Zeit, dass die Welt erfährt, wer du bist!“

Hier im Blog gab es bereits einen kurzen Ausschnitt zu sehen.

King Bansah lecture: Behind the scenes

Reviewing the slides: Gabi, the Queen is checking the time and rushing us …

»One week after our lecture at TYPO Berlin 2010 I have time to check and share some photos. The days in Berlin were impressive. The speech went better than I wished in my sweetest dream. The people gave us very nice feedback, drunk all the AKOSOMBOs in ten minutes and gave us thundering applause. The King and me were very happy about that and we went out on the same day for a dinner with the whole team and friends. He ate ›Eisbein‹ and loved to underline the fact that he was the only real German at the table. It was fun!«

Read more (and enjoy additional images) in Julian Zimmermann’s Blog …

Blumen für die Blog-Redaktion

Die TYPO Berlin möchte an dieser Stelle der Live-Redaktion danken, die währen der drei Konferenztage hier im TYPOblog alle Highlights in Wort und Bild festgehalten hat – für die Daheimgebliebenen aber auch die Besucher, die den ein oder anderen Vortrag verpasst haben.
Unser besonderer Dank gilt Tanja Rastätter, die ihr Handwerk bei Slanted gelernt hat, sowie dem Fotografen und Autor Thorsten Wulff, der sowohl Bilder als auch pointierte Berichte beigesteuert hat. Julia Loder sorgte dafür, dass die TYPO-Fans über die sozialen Netze Twitter, Facebook und Flickr stets aktuell informiert waren. Weitere Blog-Autoren waren: Nicole Glur, Nadine Haegeli, Billy Nöldeke, Jeff Simons und Jürgen Siebert. Vielen Dank euch allen!

Foto: © Gerhard Kassner

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