Heinrich Paravicini, Christian Bahlmann

Das neue globale CD der Bahlsen Group

TYPO Berlin 2018 Trigger | Friday, 18 May | 1:00 pm | Show | German

Brand Talks

Brand Talks is the new rapid talk format on the second conference day. After the keynote by London-based branding expert Michael Johnson (johnson banks), talks change in a 30-minute cycle. The final talk gives Thomas Müller, Head of Design and Innovation at Fjord with his summary “The End of Branding As We’ve Known It”. Moderator of the Brand Talks: TYPO programme director Jürgen Siebert.

Heinrich Paravicini

Heinrich Paravicini

Chief Creative Officer & MUTABOR Co-owner (Hamburg)

Heinrich Paravicini (1971- ), together with his two brothers, grew up watching french-translated Japanese Manga shows on TV in Paris. Early on, this, along with the variety of Parisian museums, inspired the 6 year-old Heinrich to draw. He finished high school in Germany. Then he started his studies in Communication…

Christian Bahlmann

Head of Corporate Communications, Bahlsen

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