In September 2014 Eva-Lotta and her boyfriend embarked on a 14-month roundthe-world-trip. Eva-Lotta documented the journey in daily sketchnotes, collecting interesting discoveries, funny moments and little stories that happened every day. In her talk, she’ll open her sketchbooks and take you on a hand-drawn journey through 15 countries, sharing what she learned while sketching her adventures on the road every day for over 400 days in a row.
Eva-Lotta Lamm
UX Designer, Illustrator, Visual Thinker (Berlin)
Eva-Lotta Lamm is a User Experience Designer, illustrator and visual thinker. She grew up in Germany, worked in Paris and London for a few years before packing up her backpack and go travelling the world for 14 months. She has over 12 years of experience working on digital products as…