TYPO Speaker


Yvonne Schwemer-Scheddin

yss was born in Berlin and lives on Munich’s doorstep in Gauting

yss is a specialised author and typographer. Themes: script and typography, visual communication, media art, etc.

yss is a member of the presiding committee of the international »Association Typographique Internationalé« ATypl

Curator of the ATypl congresses in 1993 in Antwerp and in 1995 in Barcelona on the subjects of script and typography in visual communication, in various media, in virtual rooms and as sources of alphabetic culture

yss was curator of Exempla 1991, the Munich crafts fair, a comprehensive fair on type, calligraphy, printing and applications in arts and crafts

yss with Erik Spiekermann is co-author of the book »Typen + Typographen« [typefaces and typographers]

yss has been vice-chairman of the typographic association in Munich since 1996

yss played a major role in the 100th anniversary of TGM in 1990 as a member of the managing board and illustrated the bibliophile anniversary edition of Hermann Lenz’s Erzählungen [stories] with copper etchings by Peter Stein

yss is vice-president of the Art Circle Gräfelfing and organises art and design exhibitions

This speaker was part of these TYPO conferences:

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