TYPO Speaker

Malcom Garrett

Malcolm Garrett

At AMX Garrett oversees interface and navigational design, having extensive experience in the use of digital tools in information design both for print and digital publication. From 1978 until 1994 Garrett was design director of the UK graphic design consultancy Assorted Images, where his work included graphic identity, exhibition design, television graphics, and literature design, and is widely regarded as a key influence on the development of contemporary UK graphic design. Garrett’s experience with digital design tools dates back to the mid 80s, when he became an early, and somewhat vocal exponent of developing communications media. This led quite naturally to a liaison with Bob Cotton and Richard Oliver in 1993 to work on their definitive document of the new digital arena, »Understanding Hypermedia«, which they have recently revised and updated for an ever expanding market.

Malcolm Garrett is a Visiting Professor at The London Institute and has teaching associations with a large number of colleges throughout the UK, Eire, mainland Europe and the USA.

Presentation outline: At TYPO 98 Berlin, Garrett’s presentation will consider the role of new media within the changing market that the advertising industries face, embracing brand development, asset management, direct marketing and ecommerce. He will use personal case studies to illustrate some of the ways in which new media can respond to new opportunities.

More recently they have worked with the ICA and Sun Microsystems to develop the ICA New Media Centre internet site, using BroadVision personalisation software.

This speaker was part of these TYPO conferences:

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