TYPO Speaker

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Axel Bertram

Born in 1936 in Dresden. Studied at the Hochschule für Bildende und Angewandte Kunst, Berlin-Weißensee.
1960 Founding member of the studio
Gruppe 4, until 1972.
Since 1960 freelance graficdesigner in Berlin, mainly for bookpublishers and in all Media concerned with cultural advertisement and public relations, for example TV, memorial coins, stamps.
Main work areas: complex graphicdesign that involves typography, calligraphics and type design, as well as drawing, illustrating and photography.
Since 1972 for 20 years lecturer for type and graghic design at Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee, professor.
Publications on the cultural history of
latin typeface.

This speaker was part of these TYPO conferences:

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