Georg Seifert, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer

Variable fonts in Glyphs

TYPO Labs 2018 How far can we go? | Friday, 13 April | 6:00 pm | Nave | English

Georg Seifert

Type Designer, Software Developer (Berlin)

Bauhaus University graduate Georg Seifert (b. 1978 in Halle an der Saale, Germany) is a type designer and a software developer. His typeface families Graublau Sans and Graublau Slab have become international bestsellers. He co-developed the typeface for the new Berlin Airport. He is most well known, however, for the…

Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer

Type Designer (Vienna)

Rainer Erich (‘Eric’) Scheichelbauer was born in Vienna, and studied photography, philosophy and Dutch. Today, he creates and produces typefaces, gives type design workshops, translates Dutch books on typography into German, and writes articles and Python scripts. He joined the Glyphs team in 2012, and has been writing tutorials and the handbook ever since.

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