Typewood & the declaration of deconstructed typography

TYPO Berlin 2016 Beyond Design | Saturday, 14 May | 6:00 pm | Stage | Englisch

In January 2015 Novo Typo started the Typewood project. Typewood is a research project about designing, deconstructing and transforming multi-colored and chromatic digital typefaces into wooden type for letterpress. Typewood jumps from digital to analogue techniques, from cmyk to rgb colormodes, and from computerscreen to letterpress. Typewood will show the future of multi-colored typography by re-inventing and deconstructing history. Multi-color is the new black and white.

Mark van Wageningen

Mark van Wageningen

Graphic Designer (Amsterdam)

Mark van Wageningen is the founder / director of Novo Typo, a (typo)graphic design studio and type-foundry based in Amsterdam. Mark studied graphic design at the Amsterdam Graphic School and at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam before he founded Novo Typo in 2012. The Novo Typo font collection is…

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