Gerry Leonidas, Ferdinand Ulrich, Verena Gerlach, Malou Verlomme, Fred Smeijers

Panel Discussion: Tools and shapes

TYPO Labs 2018 How far can we go? | Friday, 13 April | 4:00 pm | Nave | English

Gerry Leonidas

Gerry Leonidas teaches and researches typography and typeface design at the University of Reading, UK. He supervises MA and PhD research, and lectures widely. He consults on publication and typeface design, reviews bodies of work, and runs knowledge transfer projects with a twin focus on global business development, and new…
© Norman Posselt ·

Ferdinand Ulrich

Typographer / Type Researcher (Berlin)

Ferdinand Ulrich is a typographer and a design researcher. At he explores with Erik Spiekermann how letterpress can be redefined in the twenty-first century. His research and writings on type history have been published in the US, in the UK and in Germany. Ferdinand regularly teaches typography (UdK Berlin,…

Verena Gerlach

Type Designer (Berlin, Germany)

1998, Verena Gerlach founded her studio for graphic design, typedesign and typography in Berlin. Since 2006, she has been working as a freelance book designer for art book publishers alike Hatje Cantz and Kerber. She started lecturing in type design, and typography in 2003, and she now gives lectures and…

Malou Verlomme

Senior UK Type Designer (UK)


Fred Smeijers

Fred Smeijers is a Dutch type designer, who specializes in typographic research and development for product manufacturers. Among his typeface designs are Quadraat and Quadraat Sans (FontShop), Renard (The Enschedé Font Foundry), Arnhem, Fresco, and Sansa. The last three are available from OurType, the font-publishing label that he established with…

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