Eric Jarosinski

Nothing new. Nihilism as character development

TYPO Berlin 2015 Character | Friday, 22 May | 7:00 pm | Hall | English

This presentation examines the art of turning something into nothing. Belief into doubt. Possession into loss. In short, it asks how character can emerge through creation of a distinctively authoritative voice that denies both is distinctiveness and is authority. More importantly, it asks why we need such voices now more than ever.

Eric Jarosinski©gutjahr

Eric Jarosinski

Philosopher, Specialist in German Studies (New York)

Eric Jarosinski is a former professor of modern german literature and culture. He recently left accademia to edit Neinuquarterly, a “Compendium of Utopian Negation” found on Twitter and in DIE ZEIT and NRC Handelsblad. Photo: Richard Gutjahr

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