25 years of digital type, without all the experience

TYPO Berlin 2014 ROOTS | Thursday, 15 May | 4:00 pm | Stage | English

The Adobe Type Library is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2014. 25 years of digital typeface design is a long time; it spans a big part of Grießhammer’s own lifetime. Given that, and the fact that he joined the team only three years ago, he has a totally different perspective on this body of work than someone who has followed it since the beginning.
There are many successful and well-known designs in the Adobe Type Library, they have been spread with successful and well-known applications. But there are also many gems that never quite made it into the spotlight, or were never intended for public consumption.
Frank Grießhammer will show some of those under-appreciated designs from the Adobe Type Library which he personally finds the most interesting; and will also try to explain bits of the history behind them.

Frank Grießhammer

Frank Grießhammer

Frank Grießhammer is the only German guy working in the Adobe Type Team; and has been doing that for three years now. He is based in Santa Clara, California, enjoys designing typefaces and likes writing Python scripts. Previously, Frank has worked for FontShop International in Berlin, graduated from the Type…

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