© Sebastian Weiß / Monotype

Beautypunch: Magic with Logic and the Power of Scent

Beautypunch – Jürgen Mayknicht and Nicole Szekessy – are designers whose work focuses on  a different sense than most TYPO speakers – not sight, but smell. They are perfumers, designers of fragrances. Working with everything from personal scents to “corporate aromas”, they develop every aspect of a fragrance, from the scent itself to the packaging.

Sketchnote workshop with Nadine Roßa at TYPO Berli, 2016 © Norman Posselt / Monotype

Workshop: Sketchnotes mit Nadine Roßa

Manche sagen, vor lauter Fotos von Sketchnotes bricht Twitter bald zusammen – und Instagram gleich mit. „Sketchnoting“, diese Technik des visuellen Notierens, hat viele Fans und durch Nadine Roßas Workshop sind es noch ein paar Dutzend mehr geworden.

© Gerhard Kassner / Monotype

Karim Habib: Precision and Poetry

It’s not a bold assumption that most of us interact with cars every day. We see them, hear them, sit in them and occasionally get yelled at by people driving them. Karim Habib is not your average “car nerd”, spending his time designing BMW’s with a team of 135 people. Obviously a task and team that big requires a lot of co-ordination, and Karim spoke about how BMW has been doing just that for over 100 years.

Atilla Korap © Sebastian Weiß / Monotype

Die Berechnung der Lesbarkeit – Atilla Korap über das Rendern von Schrift für e-Books

Atilla Koraps Vortrag klingt auf den ersten Blick super technisch, denn es geht um die Optimierung von Webfonts für unterschiedlichste Endgeräte und verschiedenster Gebrauchsbedingungen. Der Experte von Monotype verschafft uns einen Überblick über die Problematik und Optimierungsmöglichkeiten des Type Hintings und zeigt auf, welche Anforderungen es an die Schriften der Zukunft geben wird.


Workshop: Type & Tech – Make your own glowing character bags

On Friday morning, we put ourselves in line for the first workshop of the day: make your own glowing character bags. Organized by TrafoPop, LED cycling club in Berlin, also responsible for Wear It — the first and most important festival for wearable electronics and fashion tech, and Letters Are My Friends, a typographic concept store in Berlin. The title says it all: shiny, characters, type, glowing, bags. What more could you want?

Marlene Schufferth  © Bettina Ausserhofer (Monotype)

Young Guns – Next Generation Part #3: Marlene Schufferth

An dieser Stelle lenken wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die Talente der neuen Generation, die dieses Jahr außerordentlich gut repräsentiert wird von unseren Sprechern Marlene Schufferth, Harry Keller und Christian Klier. Alle drei sind in Berlin ansässig und in Design-Agenturen, Start-ups und als Freelancer tätig.

Typo Berlin 2015 "Character"

Tina Roth Eisenberg: The best way to complain is to make things.

My job is “sitting behind a computer and laugh.” Tina Roth Eisenberg, also known as ‘swissmiss’, explains her principles how to live a happy and fulfilled work and personal life – filled with confetti, good people and the intent, to make things better. Her talk is a mix of advise from the heart, case studies and great stories of how she became an equally happy and successful person.

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