
TYPO-Day-Premiere in Berlin

Der von FontShop veranstaltete TYPO Day ist ein neues Tagesseminar für professionelle Designer, Markenbetreuer und Publishing-Experten. Anders als die interdisziplinäre, dreitägige TYPO-Berlin-Konferenz widmet sich der TYPO Day konzentriert den Themen Typografie, Corporate Design und Font-Technik. Sein Themenspektrum reicht von der ästhetischen Qualität, über Markenbildung und neue Ausgabemedien, bis hin zu den jüngsten Font-Produkten, -Technologien und -Anwendungen. Die TYPO-Day-Premiere findet in Berlin statt, für 2012 sind TYPO Days in Hamburg, Frankfurt und Düsseldorf geplant; die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 80 limitiert.

Michael Bierut

Michael Bierut: The Creative Lexicon

As far as my limited searches have taken me, I believe that yesterday’s conference introduced two new terms into the already considerable lexicon of creativity and typography. I think it is right to take a few moments to place the terms and their loose definitions before the delegates for consideration and adoption. Two new entries in the creative lexicon. For your consideration.


Michael Bierut: A Journey to Ten Locations and Ten Projects

Michael Bierut began his talk in a similar way to how Tony Brooks ended his: innocent and humorous. He started his presentation in Ohio Cleveland, where he grew up. Some early pictures of family and sketches in his school books lead to some first drawings of words and – essentially – his start into typography and graphic design. Encounters with publications such as Armin Hofmann’s Graphic Design Manual and Milton Glaser’s Graphic Design inspired Bierut to continue a career and life in graphic design.

Nat Hunter

Nat Hunter: Telling the Right Story

Still sitting there with my 3D glasses listening to Lynda and Dale discussing the prospect of eye implants in the near future – I am somewhat relieved when Nat Hunter goes back to basics ‘Story Telling’. Nat Hunter from Airside is also the only female speaker for today.


TYPO speeches that moved us: Christian Schwartz – Couture Type and The New York Times

In 2007, Christian Schwartz was commissioned to create a new typeface for »T«, the New York Times Style Magazine, that would embody the current moment in fashion. In his lecture Schwartz showed how he and Paul Barnes settled on the basic design of the face, discussed how typography influences the personality of a magazine, and explained why not all typefaces have to last forever …

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