
Lawrence Weiner: An Artist To The Core

Lawrence Weiner spent most of his presentation talking about his life and work and also how he didn’t understand why he had been asked to attend the conference. He showed only a 5 minute silent film saying he was too intimidated by the presentations he had seen on Thursday to attempt his own. He is an artist to the core but is in awe of the work of some of the other speakers and once had the revelation “I can be friends with designers”.

Westminster Morag

TYPO London : Speakers : Morag Myerscough

Places are an affair of the heart for London based Morag Myerscough. Over the last decade she has become known as a passionate designer of public space. Starting from exhibition design she went on to injecting colour, pattern and big type into schools, health – or art centres. Morag adds a graphic sense that welcomes visitors and provides orientation and a sense of place. “We sort of infiltrated the architecture scene.” Morag remarks in a recent video interview with Eye magazine and “I want to work for people who are brave and want to try out new things”.


April Greiman: topo/typo

Versetzen wir uns in das Jahr 1984, der erste Apple Macintosh kommt auf den Markt. Die Designer stehen der neuen Technologie noch skeptisch gegenüber. Eine der Pionierinnen der digitalen Revolution, die die gestalterischen Möglichkeiten des Macs voll ausnutzt, ist April Greiman. Sie gilt fortan als eine der einflussreichsten Kommunikationsdesignerinnen auf dem Gebiet der digitalen Medien. Durch ihren Stil wird sie zur Ikone der „California New Wave“ Typografie. Ihre Projekte umfassen heute alle Disziplinen der Gestaltung, von Kommunikationsdesign, Materialien über Architektur bis hin zu Video.

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