
The German Association of Communication Designers (BGD) fee and salary report 2012: We have to talk about money

Christian Büning and Jakob Maser of the BDG teamed up to present us with the true facts about design as business. They refresh us with statistics of the eye opening, just published salary report based on a survey where they ask the relevant questions to 793 employed and 743 self-employed designers. The result of many answers this report reveals is shocking!


Anthony Burrill: Work hard and be nice. How does it work?

Anthony Burrill is a self googler, almost musician and all in all remarkable and humbling creative, graphic artist, print-maker and designer. Having created the “work hard and be nice to people” poster that adorns many a design studio, home and pinterest board, it was absolutely terrific to get an insight into his creative journey and process. Via a series of delightful anecdotes, there were tales of his hometown Rye, adventures with letterpress printers around the world, rock and roll, one of the worst hotels in the world, an infamous environmental disaster, and of course how his iconic print came to be.


David Demaree: The Weight Of The Web

David Demaree’s talk focussed on the physicality of digital media and the spread of information. He began though by taking us back to the early days of moveable type, explaining how physical barriers limited the scope of how far information could be spread. Factors like distance, time & cost of production and the number of copies of documents restricted people’s access to information.


Nancy Birkhölzer and Prof. Reto Wettach: Empower the analog

Professor Reto Wettach of IXDS, together with his colleague Nancy Birkhölzer gave an interesting talk on their perspective of the relationship humans have with the physical and digital world. The talk was largely based around the fact that people are increasingly interacting with the world around them using just a tiny screen and the tips of their fingers. They questioned how much emotion can possibly be expressed through this type of medium and whether or not we need new ways of incorporating technology into our lives which empower us to interact on a more human level.

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