
Paul Barnes: Touching the Past

There was no mention of The Guardian, Kate Moss, the exquisiteness that is the ‘Marian’ font, nor football. Except during the upfront disclaimer to say that there would be no mention of these things. In fact, it was mostly all about churchyards and gravestones, family trees in the town of Cornwall, generations of lettering, and a hint of american celebrity.


Neville Brody: Towards level 2

Freitag Abend, letzter Vortrag: Petra Weitz, selbst Wegbegleiterin und Frau der ersten Stunde, versucht, Neville Brody vorzustellen. Er unterbricht gut gelaunt – und stellt schließlich Petra vor: Beide waren sie dabei, als der FontShop, als die TYPO, als FUSE startete.


Michael Johnson: Gitarren und Grafik

Michael Johnson hält einen Vortrag über Gitarren und Grafik. Nicht wirklich. Eigentlich hält Michael Johnson einen Vortrag über Gitarrenmusik und deren Entwicklung in den letzten hundert Jahren. Das macht er nicht nochmal, sagt er, weil er dafür nämlich verdammt lange und verdammt viel üben musste. Sein Vortrag ist der Versuch, die Berührungspunkte von Gitarrenmusik und Grafikdesign geschichtlich zu verorten.


Anthony Burrill: Work hard and be nice. How does it work?

Anthony Burrill is a self googler, almost musician and all in all remarkable and humbling creative, graphic artist, print-maker and designer. Having created the “work hard and be nice to people” poster that adorns many a design studio, home and pinterest board, it was absolutely terrific to get an insight into his creative journey and process. Via a series of delightful anecdotes, there were tales of his hometown Rye, adventures with letterpress printers around the world, rock and roll, one of the worst hotels in the world, an infamous environmental disaster, and of course how his iconic print came to be.

Anthony Burril

Four (or so) Questions to … Anthony Burrill

Anthony Burrill has gained a following in the design world for his innovative collaborations with friends and fellow artists, designers, print-makers and film-makers. Burrill works across a range of media, including posters, moving image and three-dimensional work. His persuasive, up-beat illustration and design has been commissioned by cultural, social and commercial clients around the world from New York, to London to Tokyo.

He combines an instinctive handling of colour and composition with a witty approach to words. He has worked on advertising campaigns and posters for clients such as The Economist, the British Library and London Underground. He regularly collaborates with musicians and animators to make films, music promos and animations, using his distinctive visual vocabulary and passion for fusing sound and image.


Four or so questions to … Paul Barritt

Paul is an animator and filmmaker. He is also the managing director of the theater company 1927 which he founded with Suzanne Andrade in 2005. Their production of Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”, which is running at the Komische Oper Berlin at the moment has audiences rapt. The Guardian describes their shows as “A perfect mixture of all the things worth loving: silent films, the cabaret of the Weimar Republic, David Lynch, and the brothers Grimm”. Paul will be speaking on Saturday 18 2013 at 16:00 on TYPO Hall. Check here for the full programme.


#typo13 Sprecher: 1927 stimulieren Berlin

Bis Ende des Jahres ausverkauft! Berlin rennt in die Zauberflöte. Mozarts Zauberflöte? Rauchschwaden, die sich zu Bildern formen – Blumen, die wie von Zauberhand im Zeitraffer wachsen – Elefanten, die in Cocktailgläsern schwimmen – fliegende Flöten, tanzende Glöckchen … Jeder hat die Zauberfllöte gesehen. Jeder die barocken Irrungen um Tamino, Pamina und Papageno verfolgt. Die Inszenierung an der Komischen Oper Berlin, die Intendant Barrie Kosky gemeinsam mit der britischen Theatertruppe 1927 inszenierte, setzt visuelle Maßstäbe …

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