TYPO Labs 2017

TYPO Labs: Variable Fonts Update/Brainstorming Variable Fonts

This presentation of the Microsoft employees was two-fold: Peter Constable gave insight on the development of the font variations specification, how its implementation is progressing and shared how the spec might evolve in the future. Rob McKaughn shared some experimental ideas on how variable fonts might act responsively in every sense of the word: as way to assist readability, perhaps also to those with reading disorders.

By Tilmann Hielscher

© Norman Posselt · www.normanposselt.com (Monotype)

TYPO Labs: Designspaces

Erik van Blokland – The Design Space notion is something you hear a lot if you study in typemedia or work into the UFO environment. Now, thanks to variable fonts, it is everywhere. Given that many tools other than Superpolator are using this concept, it is now necessary to exchange design space information across different applications.

By Roberto Arista

© Norman Posselt · www.normanposselt.com (Monotype)

TYPO Labs: Variable Fonts

»Oh crap. That’s my new job.«

Dan Rhatigan, giving the opening lecture of TypoLabs 17, addressed the hot topic that all of the 280 attendees interested the most straight away: Variable fonts!

by Verena Gerlach

Jürgen Siebert

Interview mit Jürgen Siebert, dem Programmdirektor der TYPO Konferenzen

Ich besuche Jürgen Siebert, um mit ihm über die TYPO Berlin 2017 mit dem Thema »wanderlust« zu sprechen. Mal sehen, was er mir verraten kann. Welche Sprecher werden erwartet? Ob und wie wird das Konzept der Bühne »Beyond Design« nächstes Jahr fortgeführt? Wie geht es weiter mit den TYPO Labs? Aber auch Anekdoten aus bald 22 Jahren TYPO Berlin möchte ich ihm entlocken.

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