
Four or so questions to … Ann Bessemans

Ann Bessemans (°1983) has a MA in graphic design (Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg). Her typographic graduation project was awarded a national prize. On October 25, 2012, she defended her PhD dissertation entitled “Type Design for Children with Low Vision”, under the supervision of Prof. Gerard Unger (Leiden University) and Prof. Dr. Bert Willems (Hasselt University). Bessemans’ PhD project is an attempt at bridging the gap between font designers and cognitive scientists studying the legibility of letter characters. The ultimate goal of this PhD project was to design a font that can reduce the reading problems of children with low vision.


Circa vier Fragen an … Carolin Rauen und Max Kühne

Paperlux wurde 2009 gegründet. Fachwerkhaus. Schanzenviertel. 12 Mitarbeiter. Leidenschaft. Wertschätzung. Kooperation. Spaß. Neugier. Freude. Entdeckergeist. Inspiration. Konzeption. Materialität. Ästhetik. Kunst. Kommunikation im Raum. Erfahrung. Mut. Improvisation. Papierfetisch. Produktion. Werkstatt. Konfektion. Papiergravur. Umweltbewusst. Wachstum. Komplimente. Bleibende Eindrücke.

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