
Five Questions to … Paula Raché & Aart van Bezooyen

Paula Raché is a graphic designer born in Berlin. She enjoyed work experience within several agencies working on graphic, packaging and exhibition design. She now focuses on connecting design with society to encourage people’s critical and creative thinking. Paula and Aart are working on a book publication that brings together local projects and stories from around the world to inspire a more sustainable future.

Aart van Bezooyen founded »Material Stories« in 2005 to consult industry, companies and agencies with materials thinking focused on innovation, branding and more sustainable design. Aart teaches and lectures material driven design at universities in The Netherlands, Germany and Poland. His inspiring collection of materials and things has just grown after exploring South America, Oceania and Southeast Asia for six months.


TYPO London 2011 – Interviews

Whenever there are so many well known graphic designers, marketing specialist, brand managers and communication experts, it’s a great opportunity for interviews. Enjoy listening these TYPO speakers in addition to their official talks: Joachim Sauter, Dale Herigstad, Chip Kidd, Jonathan Barnbrook, Jonathan Ellery, Neville Brody, Jeff Faulkner, Tim Fendley, Erik Spiekermann.


Seis preguntas a … Javier Mariscal

Since 1971, this Valencia designer Javier Mariscal has lived and worked in Barcelona. The two Mediterranean cities have been the inspiration for the colour, the light and the character of all his work. Like the great interdisciplinary designer he is, he is able to put on several hats — one for each activity — and he feels quite at home in all of them, always applying his ironic, fresh outlook.

Jason Edward Lewis

Six questions for … Jason Edward Lewis

Jason Edward Lewis is a digital media artist, poet and software designer. He founded Obx Laboratory for Experimental Media, where he directs research/creation projects devising new means of creating and reading digital texts and using virtual environments to assist Native communities in preserving, interpreting and communicating cultural histories. His creative work has been featured at the Ars Electronica Center, ISEA, SIGGRAPH, Urban Screens, Mobilefest and imagineNATIVE, among other venues.

Jost Hochuli

Sechs Fragen an … Jost Hochuli

Jost Hochuli, von Hause aus Gebrauchgrafiker und Setzer, lernte bei Adrian Frutiger in Paris. Seit 1959 führt er sein eigenes Atelier für Industriegrafik und Buchgestaltung in St.Gallen. 1979 war er Mitgründer und dann 25 Jahre lang Präsident und Gestalter der genossenschaftlichen Verlagsgemeinschaft St.Gallen (VGS). Daneben arbeitete er 29 Jahre lang als Fachlehrer für Schriftschreiben, Schriftzeichnen und Typografie an den Gestalterschulen in Zürich und St.Gallen. Von 1983 bis 1998 war Jost Hochuli Herausgeber und Gestalter der jährlich erscheinenden Typotron, seit 2000 der Reihe Edition Ostschweiz.
Tina Frank

Sechs Fragen an … Tina Frank

Tina Frank ist Designerin, visuelle Künstlerin und Professorin für Grafikdesign an der Kunstuniversität Linz. Sie trat auf zahlreichen Musik- und Multimedia-Festivals auf, ihre Videos werden weltweit gespielt. Bei der Diagonale 2006 wurde Ihr Film Chronomops als bester Experimentalfilm ausgezeichnet. Auf der TYPO spricht sie am Samstag in der Hall über die Verbindung von Ton & Bild, statisch & bewegt, digital & real.

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