“Swiss Miss” Tina Roth Eisenberg on Eccentric Aunts and Side Projects!

Swiss MissTina Roth Eisenberg began our first TYPO SF conference today with a talk on “The Power of Side Projects and Eccentric Aunts”. Tina’s own eccentric aunt was a designer who introduced her to the very idea that this thing called design was something that one could do for a living. The swiss miss passed down her own sage advice to the full auditorium with a list of 8 principles.

Photo Credit: Amber Gregory
  1. Find What You Love
    Don’t stop until you find it. You’ll know when you do.
  2. Don’t Be a Complainer
    Instead, make things better.
  3. Trust Your Intuition
    Your gut is always right.
  4. If an Opportunity Scares You, Take it
    Being scared means you’ll learn and grow.
  5. Find Like Minded People
    Make sure they’re a respectful and good bunch
  6. Collaborate
    Only good will come of it.
  7. Ignore Haters
    They deserve none of your time
  8. Inspire Others
Tina Eisenberg

Tina Roth Eisenberg

Graphic Designer, Entrepreneur (New York)

Tina Roth Eisenberg is a New York based, Swiss born and raised graphic designer. Over the past nine years she started numerous side projects that have organically turned into businesses: a collaborative co-working space called FRIENDS, a global, monthly lecture series called CreativeMornings, a simple to-do app called TeuxDeux and Tattly, a designer temporary tattoo shop. Tina is often referred to as Swissmiss after her popular design blog which is also the name of her Twitter handle. Photo: Amber Gregory

Text — Jack Whittington

1 Comment

  1. Paul Anthony Webb|April 6, 2012

    Those principles are now mine. I am a huge fan of the Swiss miss!