Bernd Kolb

Chancen, die sich aus konsequentem neuen Denken und Handeln ergeben

TYPO Berlin 2012 sustain | Thursday, 17 May | 2:00 pm | TYPO Hall | German

The global society faces fundamental challenges, since it must prevent our ecological, economic and social systems from collapsing. Responsible entrepreneurship will drive the necessary change; innovative solutions imply comprehensive sustainability and new business opportunities.

The Club of Marrakesh is a global incubation network of interdisciplinary innovators and change-makers: Entrepreneurs, scientists, communicators, spiritual leaders, politicians and artists bring in their expertise and creativity. They develop and share new solutions and pragmatic visions with decisionmakers and influential civilians.

In his presentation, Bernd Kolb will focus on the development of new business practices, which are ethical and responsible, and apt to transform the way we think and act.


Bernd Kolb

Bernd Kolb, former CEO with Deutsche Telekom, is a leading consultant and change agent today. He is the founder of the Club of Marrakesh, a global, interdisciplinary think tank to connect innovative change-makers, who develop new and sustainable perspectives for business and society. In his lectures, Kolb analyzes the causes…

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