Calligraphic Letter Abstraction

TYPO Berlin 2014 ROOTS | Friday, 16 May | 6:00 pm | Foyer | English

Calligraphic Letter Abstraction is a workshop which offers participants insights into schriftkunstler Drury Brennan’s approach to letterform abstraction. A presentation will be given exploring the artist’s influences and overall thought process on the subject, after which a live demonstration and q & a will follow. Learn new ways to approach old forms! Have fun destroying and reconstructing your favorite letters! Come prepared to have fun and make beautiful mistakes.

Drury Brennan

Drury Brennan

Calligrapher, Artist (Berlin)

Drury Brennan is an American artist who works and lives in Berlin. He makes calligraphy all over the city, writing on anything that will take a stroke: paper, people, windows, walls, workshops. This will be his 5th year participating in TYPO Berlin.

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