Dale Herigstad

Dale Herigstad: When the rectangle is gone

There is a rectangle, possibly dictated by the printing press, that has defined the place where much of the information mankind has consumed has existed. And it is the confinement of this rectangle that has been at the heart of Dale Herigstad’s work. Or rather, his work explores what is beyond the confines – or what might, could and should be outside, in front of and behind of the rectangle.


The Daily Eckardt: Joachim Sauter

Joachim Sauter has been working as a media designer since the early 1980s. From the beginning, he focussed on digital technologies, and is exploring how they can be used to express content and narration. Fuelled by this interest, he founded ART+COM in 1988 along with other artists, designers, scientists, and technologists. Their goal was to do practical research into what was, at the time, a new and up-and-coming medium in the realm of art and design. He still heads up that interdisciplinary team. Since 1991 he has been a professor of “new media art and design” at Berlin’s College of the Arts, and since 2001 an adjunct professor at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Wunderkind of Design strikes back

Zum Schluss gibt David Carson uns mit auf den Weg, Passion bedeute einen Job zu haben, den man zur Not auch Umsonst machen würde. Vorher haben wir erlebt, dass es gar nicht so einfach ist, innerhalb einer Powerpoint-Präsentation ein Videoslide ablaufen zu lassen. Und dass es fragwürdig ist, einen Supermarkt im Mittelwesten Kum and Go zu nennen. Oder dem Weihnachtsmann einen Socken mit Tarnmuster an den Kamin zu pinnen.

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