
The Type-Robot visits TYPO Labs 2018

An industrial robotic arm cutting letterforms into styrofoam? What sounds like a type-geek’s dream became reality at this year’s TYPO Labs conference. For three days, an industrial robot in the hallway was hard at work carving out letters with a hot wire cutter. Surrounded by a flock of curious attendees and stacks of styrofoam boards, the large robotic arm was a focal point in the conference space and easily topped the list of peculiarities.

By Maciej Nadobnik

Und das sind sie // Here they are: Sabine Gruppe (Monotype), Rik Watkinson, Christine Wenning (Chief Editor), Lisa Schmidt, Catharina Dörr, Miriam Kadel, Alessio D’Ellena, Paul Toppmair, Sonja Knecht (Head of Team), Stefan Pabst, Michael Kress, Jannis Riethmüller (Managing Editor), Luise Behr, David Reitenbach, Tilmann Hielscher, Felix von Pless, Christoph Rauscher, Anne Rethfeldt, Jenna Gesse (Chief Editor), Jenny Zegenhagen (Managing Editor), Chris Campe, Harry Keller, Lukas Horn, Jan Vincent Dufke, Nina Sieverding, Jenny Baese. Nicht auf dem Foto // Team members missing from this picture: Ajda Zupančič, Björn Giesecke, Gerhard Kassner (Photo), Gabby Lord, Norman Posselt (Photo), Philipp Sunny Neumeyer, Radek Sidun, Sebastian Weiß (Photo), Tyrone Stoddart. © Norman Posselt / Monotype

EN: The life of the editorial team at TYPO 2017

This year’s TYPO 2017 was entitled “Wanderlust” – a theme the speakers took to heart and interpreted in a variety of ways. This was also done by the editorial team, who ventured into unknown terrain with new formats, filling the blog with souvenirs of beautiful listening and reading material as well as great pictures. Zur deutschen Version …


By Christine Wenning


Und das sind sie // Here they are: Sabine Gruppe (Monotype), Rik Watkinson, Christine Wenning (Chief Editor), Lisa Schmidt, Catharina Dörr, Miriam Kadel, Alessio D’Ellena, Paul Toppmair, Sonja Knecht (Head of Team), Stefan Pabst, Michael Kress, Jannis Riethmüller (Managing Editor), Luise Behr, David Reitenbach, Tilmann Hielscher, Felix von Pless, Christoph Rauscher, Anne Rethfeldt, Jenna Gesse (Chief Editor), Jenny Zegenhagen (Managing Editor), Chris Campe, Harry Keller, Lukas Horn, Jan Vincent Dufke, Nina Sieverding, Jenny Baese. Nicht auf dem Foto // Team members missing from this picture: Ajda Zupančič, Björn Giesecke, Gerhard Kassner (Photo), Gabby Lord, Norman Posselt (Photo), Philipp Sunny Neumeyer, Radek Sidun, Sebastian Weiß (Photo), Tyrone Stoddart. © Norman Posselt / Monotype

DE: Das Editorial-Team der TYPO Berlin 2017

Unter dem Motto „Wanderlust“ stand die diesjährige TYPO-Konferenz – ein Thema, das sich die Vortragenden zu Herzen nahmen und vielfältig umsetzten. Das tat auch das Editorial-Team. Mit neuen Formaten wagten wir uns in unbekanntes Terrain und füllen mit Souvenirs aus schönem Hör- und Lesestoff und tollen Bildern den Blog. Switch to English Version …


Von Christine Wenning


Typo Berlin 2017 "wanderlust"

The Process is the Inspiration

Punk rock kids designing pottery? If we could’ve seen ourselves now we’d be saying “get that grandma-country-kitchen shit out of my face”. Rich Roat is all about embracing his DIY past of handmade fonts, mailers and zines and he’s here to remind us to get our hands dirty.

by Tyrone Stoddart

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