© Gerhard Kassner (Monotype)

Josh Higgins: Building Campaigns, Communication and Character

From touring musician on MCA/Universal Records, Design Director for President Obama’s 2012 campaign, to Creative Director of Facebook’s Communication Design team, it feels like Josh Higgins has lived a lot of lives. Taking us through the course of his career, he touched on the moments that led to each of these experiences, what he’s learned along the way and “what the f*ck he does at Facebook”.


Workshop: Type & Tech – Make your own glowing character bags

On Friday morning, we put ourselves in line for the first workshop of the day: make your own glowing character bags. Organized by TrafoPop, LED cycling club in Berlin, also responsible for Wear It — the first and most important festival for wearable electronics and fashion tech, and Letters Are My Friends, a typographic concept store in Berlin. The title says it all: shiny, characters, type, glowing, bags. What more could you want?


Eric Jarosinski: Nothing new. Nihilism as character development

The self-declared “failed intellectual” dropped by the Haus der Kulturen der Welt during his Goodwill Tour 2015. Snarky with childish glee and joyful irreverence, he flooded us with his witty sarcastic dictums, caused my ultimate Schreibblockade (one of his favourite German words) and definitely gained quite a few new followers from the graphic design field.

Kalligrafie Workshop mit Andreas Frohloff © Gerhard Kassner

Andreas Frohloff: Kalligrafie-Workshop

Rote Absperrbänder zäunen einen kleinen, rechteckigen Raum im Foyer ein. Eine Gruppe aus fünf Helfern legt Papier, Füller, Tusche und Wasserbecher an jeden der 20 Plätze – Vorbereitungen für den Workshop von Andreas Frohloff. Seit 2001 gibt er Kalligrafie-Unterricht auf der TYPO. Seine Kurse sind nach wie vor sehr beliebt. Kein Wunder bei einem so engagierten und begeisterungsfähigen Lehrer wie Frohloff.

Marlene Schufferth  © Bettina Ausserhofer (Monotype)

Young Guns – Next Generation Part #3: Marlene Schufferth

An dieser Stelle lenken wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die Talente der neuen Generation, die dieses Jahr außerordentlich gut repräsentiert wird von unseren Sprechern Marlene Schufferth, Harry Keller und Christian Klier. Alle drei sind in Berlin ansässig und in Design-Agenturen, Start-ups und als Freelancer tätig.

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