TYPO London Places 3D

News, news, news

After having been exceptionally well-received last year, TYPO London is set to return to the British capital this autumn. The event will again take place at the Logan Hall & Jefferey Hall of the Institute of Education on October 19 and 20 2012. The theme for this year’s conference is »Social«.

Oliver Reichenstein

iA Oliver Reichenstein beim TYPO Day FFM

Es gehört zur Tradition des TYPO Day, die angemeldeten Besucher mit einem (oder mehreren) Last-Minute-Referenten zu überraschen. In Berlin war das Ingo Hess, in Hamburg Stefan Kiefer (DER SPIEGEL) und Johannes Erler (stern). Für den TYPO Day Frankfurt (22. Juni 2012) wird es Oliver Reichenstein sein (iA).


»Design made in Germany« with Jessica Hische

Letztes Wochenende wirbelte eine quirlige Amerikanerin über die Bühne der TYPO Berlin und das kann man durchaus wörtlich nehmen. Obwohl sie alles andere als »Made in Germany« ist – trotz deutschem Nachnamens – gehe ich an dieser Stelle mal fremd, denn wir hatten die Möglichkeit mit ihr ein kleines Interview über Design und Verantwortung zu führen.

Last weekend a lively American stirred up the stage of TYPO Berlin, literally said. Despite of her German surname, she is anything but »Made in Germany« but we will make an exception as we had the opportunity to conduct a little interview with her. 


Winner of FontBook App drawn

For over 20 years, FontBook™ has been the definitive source for researching and comparing original, professional-quality fonts. The FontBook Editorial Staff guarantees typographic and lexicographical competence of the highest order. In addition to documenting and classifying the typefaces of past centuries, we now use live, over-the-air updates to keep the data set up-to-date by adding new content releases on a regular basis.


Jessica Hische: letterer, illustrator, crazy cat lady and secret web designer

Jessica Hische, self confessed “letterer, illustrator, crazy cat lady and secret web designer” gave an energetic and hilarious talk to a full house last night as the closing speaker at the TYPO Berlin 2012 conference. After three days of stimulating talks, Hische was a fitting conclusion to the conference, entertaining the crowd with her bubbly personality and remarkable insight.

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