
Circa vier Fragen an … Mareike Roth und Oliver Saiz

Mit Leidenschaft und Forscherdrang führen Mareike Roth und Oliver Saiz das Studio hoch E nachdem beide in verschiedenen Agenturen internationale Marken wie Volkswagen, LG, Hilti oder RWE als Designer betreuten. Während der gemeinsamen Arbeit an der Masterthesis entwickelten beide ein Tool, Werte und Emotionen gestalterischen Charakter zu verleihen.

Zudem geben beide ihre praktische Erfahrung und die theoretische Basis als Dozenten, sowie als Betreuer von Absolventenarbeiten an der HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd weiter. Darüber hinaus arbeitet das Autorenteam eifrig und voll Tatendrang an der bevorstehenden Buchveröffentlichung zum Thema „Emotion gestalten“.

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Contrast Conversations with Cameron Ewing

Today we present another episode of Contrast Conversations. Thanks to facilitator Cameron Ewing for taking the time to answer some questions for TYPO Talks!
Cameron Ewing is a Creative Director based in San Francisco whose work reaches across multiple mediums, from traditional print to digital, brand, strategy, motion graphics and environmental. He has worked in design leadership positions within studio practices in New York, London and Los Angeles and most recently San Francisco.

Paul Barnes

Four or so questions to … Paul Barnes

Paul Barnes is a graphic designer specializing in the fields of lettering, typography, type design and publication design. He is a partner with Christian Schwartz in the internationally acclaimed typefoundry Commercial Type. In the early 1990s he worked for Roger Black in New York where he was involved in redesigns of many magazines. He later returned to America to be art director of the music magazine Spin. Since 1995 he has lived and worked in London. He has formed a long term collaboration with Peter Saville, which has resulted in such diverse work as identities for Givenchy, ‘Original Modern’ for Manchester and the logo for Kate Moss.


Contrast Conversations with Matthew Butterick

Matthew Butterick is a typographer, writer, and lawyer in Los Angeles. After graduating from Harvard, he worked as a type designer for David Berlow and Matthew Carter. He then founded Atomic Vision, a web-design studio, which was acquired by Red Hat. He attended UCLA law school and became a lawyer in 2007. Butterick is the author of the popular Website and book Typography for Lawyers. His fonts include Hermes FB, FB Alix, Equity, and most recently, Concourse.


Contrast Conversations with Nick Shinn

Nick Shinn, R.G.D. was born in London, England in 1952, educated at Bedford, and acquired a Dip.AD in Fine Art (1974) from Leeds Polytechnic. He lived in Toronto, Canada from 1976 to 2009, then moved 60 km north to Orangeville. In the ’80s he worked as an advertising art director and creative director, before going digital in 1989 with the ShinnDesign studio, specializing in publication and marketing design. From 1980 he designed typefaces for several foundries, before founding Shinntype in 1998. He has written for Applied Arts, Druk, Eye, Graphic Exchange, Marketing, Typographic and Codex, spoken at the ATypI, TypeCon, Graphika and TYPO Berlin conferences, and taught at Humber College and York University in Toronto.

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