Andreas Frohloff: Cancellaresca – Wurzel unserer Schreibschrift

Seit Jahren der Renner unter den TYPO-Workshops: die Kalligrafie-Workshops mit Andreas Frohloff, dem Leiter des Type Department bei FontShop International. Diesmal: Einführung in das Schreiben einer Breitfeder-Kursiv nach den Schreibmusterblättern von Axel Bertram.


Alle Fotos © Sebastian Weiß

Andreas Frohloff

Andreas Frohloff

Designer Liaison at Monotype (Berlin)

Andreas Frohloff, born in Berlin in 1956, manages and develops, in his position “Designer Liaison”, the relationship to external exclusive type designers of the Monotype libraries. A calligrapher and type designer by profession, Frohloff has been hosting calligraphy workshops for many years. The lecturer at several academies was trained as a sign painter and graphic designer, and graduated in combined special studies in typography and educational sciences. (Photo: Max Zerrahn)